By Prof. Vadiraj S. Bhakre
Contributory Author for Spark Igniting Minds
Face the life every day.
Keep your worries @ bay.
Express and loudly say.
Today call it a worthy day!
Are you becoming insulative?
Or working to be innovative.
Also becoming imaginative.
Thus you convert to be inventive!
Investigate who you are.
Also find out where you're.
Identity, where you want to go.
Work out, how you want to go!
You are a born Winner.
You need to be an aspirer.
Be a life long lover.
Also a community server!
You are in this world with a purpose.
Don't snub or rub your nose.
Identity and make a propose.
Life blesses you & bestows!
Live Life Fully!
(Featured Image by Alexandra ❤️A life without animals is not worth living❤️ from Pixabay)
About the Author
Prof. Vadiraj S. Bhakre is a Paint Technologist and an PGDBM.
He has worked at various levels in corporate hierarchy and has taught in various training and management institutes.
His last assignment was a President - Powder coatings with Hardcastle Waud.
He recently published his book titled " Winners Make it Happen"