Reflections from our community

Ms. Keerthana Venkatesh
As our everyday life gets even more set to the clock, rushing through each hour of the day, there's little time that people seem to have to exercise the creative mind. Art in any form is a necessary outlet for emotions, and writing is one such strong art.
There's a reason why schools have always emphasized on diary writing. More than the logic behind practicing language, it becomes that little-big world of pouring out one's emotions. Taking it to a more global level by marrying the art of expression with words with technology is Spark.
As a member of Spark for a year now, it's been a wondrous journey that I've traveled with the founder Capt. Sahana Sundar & the ever-growing family of Sparkians. From a writer to an editor, from a contestant to a contest organizer, all through this journey I've met wonderful people from all walks of life. Each has their own thoughts and ideas on myriad topics, each shares their opinion freely to engage in intelligent debates and discussions, making Spark their own little diary that has turned into a knowledge platform for the rest of the world. Spark is an emotion. Join the movement of artistic expression with words. It's a journey you'll cherish forever.
Writing knowledge-based articles is an integral part of my profession but it was at Spark that I learned how to weave inspiring stories around real-life incidences. It gave me immense happiness when stories from "Labyrinth of Relationships" were appreciated by some professors as remarkable case studies in relationship management.
With its much-in-news book launches with eminent personalities of India like Dr. Kiran Bedi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Dr. Alok Mishra, Dr. Ashish Sen, Ms. Priya Dutt to name a few, Spark ensured wide visibility to its writers across India. My contribution in terms of articles, reviews and editing were deeply appreciated and rewarded.
The founder of Spark, Capt Sahana Sundar, is a democratic leader who believes in fresh ideas and freedom of execution. Her vision to make Spark one of the largest platform for writers, fuels a great bonding in all team members across the nation which is simply remarkable and exemplary. Spark has a great influence on my thought process as it engages and unleashes our potential of being great catalysts of social change to make this world a better place. I highly recommend this platform and welcome you in advance.
Long live Spark in all of us!!!

Ms. Sulekha Chandra

Mr. Milind Kher
The Sparking Authors Group, headed by Captain Sahana Sundar is aptly named. Sparks are meant to ignite & this group ignites minds beautifully.
I was drawn to this group from the word go. It promotes writing in a very powerful manner and I too was looking for a platform where I could get an atmosphere where writing was discussed extensively and where posts that featured great writing were very visible. As I am also an aspiring author, I joined.
When we consider that Spark is doing so well, we need to have a look at its head Captain Sahana Sundar to more fully understand this. Sahana is a very stately lady full of innovation, empathy, and energy. This makes her a very effective (and greatly loved) leader as well as a team player. And she has the ability to get things done.
Spark book launches have always been a grand affair They have been addressed by educated and important dignitaries and the turnout has also been very good. Some titles are “Soul’s sojourn” (a spiritually oriented collection) “Delete log-off shut down corruption” (a collection against corruption) “A Melange Of Outpourings” (a collection of stories of emotional churn).
Soul’s Sojourn made me technically a published author. Spark also gave me an opportunity to talk about how my mentor Vinita Vyas transformed my life. This constant encouragement and support is a great boon and I am encouraged to very soon write a full-fledged book.
Giving is the most unselfish and gratifying of all human emotions. However, in modern living, it is one of the rarest act. People like Sahana Sundar are like a whiff of cool, fragrant, refreshing breeze on a sultry night, who provide a perfect platform, SPARK, for writers all over the country to share their creations.
For a writer, writing is a catharsis, penning down his/her thoughts at a time when there is no listener, building another Universe through his/her writings, free of time or place constraints is an act of liberating him/her from shackles of the mind. Enabling and empowering people to do so is a huge contribution to Society. That is what SPARK is.
For me writing is a blessing when I don't have a friend, it is misery when I have to churn emotions and experiences of the past to share life lessons and growth. For me writing is my happiness when I record the cherished moments of my life, love when I leave behind a valuable life lesson for others, gratitude when I receive appreciation from my readers and fulfillment when my readers engage with me on my writings.
Last but not the least, I believe writing should uplift lives, uphold humanitarian values, appreciate other viewpoints while presenting one's own, pose insightful questions to the readers and inspire them to take the world forward with them.

Ms. Nandini Rao

Ms. Hitangxi Bhuta
Spark is like a mirror to me 'Mirror Of My Heart'. Just past few years, I start writing quotes, poems as a hobby. I never knew I could even write better than this. Sahana Ma'am was U-turn in my life. She encouraged me to write articles, stories. Initially, I beat nervous but with her kind and polite nature she made me do the things which I never thought 'I could!!!'. I never knew there is a writer inside me, which Sahana Ma'am recognized with her foresight.
As Reiki Master, I received good respect level in society, but an addition as a writer change the look of people around. Daily discussions on different topics and encouraging sparkies boost my passion for writing. Sahana Ma'am gave me the opportunity to write as a co-author in her two books. Working with such a mastermind sparkians I learn a lot.
My big thanks to my friend 'Raina Tandon' who introduce me to Captain Sahana. My heartfelt gratitude to Sahana Ma'am as you spark my life. Thanks to Sparkians for being supportive like family. Feeling blessed to be a part of such a energetic, enthusiastic, encouraging platform.
Being an avid reader I was always fascinated by all the authors around the globe. But in spite of having the skills to pen down, I was undergoing a huge writer's block on crafting, persevering, polishing and refining my thoughts into ornate tete a tete.
Although being a novice, SPARK inspirited me to embellish my penning journey with the most amazing power of expressions, phrases, and style that effused from my innermost depth and added radiance to my skills.
All my 4 books echo profound sentiments of humanity and leave an unfiltered fragrance in every cell on the precious heritage of the bibliophiles' mind, heart, and soul.
When you want something the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Deep gratitude to Ms. Sahana Sundar and Team Spark for impelling me to enhance my creative mechanics and ushering word.

Ms. Jigna Tanna

Mr. Manish Kumar Aggarwal
The Sparking Pride, fulfillment and recognition; they are the cause and effect of the deeds. They keep your spark and keep it meaningful. Thank you Sparkians! Thank you, Captain Sahana!
People have expressions, people have felt but they miss the spark; Sparkians provide the air and space to it.
My journey started as Sparkian with the courtesy of Raina Mam. She introduced me to the group and it was like a dream coming true; a dream of more than 3 decades; a dream seen by an innocent eye of childhood; a dream that has kept innocence alive somewhere deep. No one could be better than Sparkians to carry it with the same humility.
‘A Published Author’ is a complete life. This is a matter of feeling only.
Please accept my gratitude
Gratitude for making my words meaningful.
Gratitude for empowering me to express.
Gratitude to accept and spread them with technological & empathic editing.
I find a platform which celebrates the success of others; inspire and encourage the team to express; challenge them to write with goals; handhold like a family. Thank you!
This is a journey of a human being to being human; physical to spiritual. Thank you!

Mr. Sameer Kotwal
“The greater part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in penning an article; a man would turn a library up-side-down.”
—This quote of Samuel Johnson is very close to my heart.
Being part of the Writers Forum is really exhilarating, and something which I feel extremely proud of. I always dreamt of improving, hone my writing skills and to make it a reality, I was looking for an opening. To my fortune, I stumbled upon the Writer Forum and it’s been an amazing journey so far. Though I am very new into the world of writing, all that immense motivation came from the very dynamic, charismatic leader Sahana Sundarji, who is the backbone of our forum and leads the team effectively and encourages, supports us in all our endeavor’s and constantly inspires, motivates us to write professionally and personally takes care as well as guides each member of the Spark.
Being part of Spark adds a spark to our brains as we get to know and interact with ignited minds who are honored writers, celebrities, famous academicians and aspiring writers and learning from their writing experience is itself an icing on the cake. The spark ignited my mind, body, and soul with tons of positivism as it not only gives an opportunity to writers but also inspires and motivates people like me who are absolutely new to such an arena. I extend my heartfelt invitation to everyone to be part of this stupendous Forum and be a part of much-needed impact and difference in the society by your writings and furthermore to help people to inculcate the love for writing and reading.
At Spark, all the writers are very supportive. When I hopped into this forum, I never felt like an outsider, for this fraternity is ever so kind-hearted and overwhelming that I can’t express them in words. I relish, feel proud and pray may SPARK keep going and growing with old and new members.
A phone call many monsoons ago introduced me to whom I know today as Capt. Sahana Sunder. I liked the ring to her name. She was in the process of giving birth to her baby.
SPARK is what she decided to call it. We were all invited to contribute by adding our little Spark to her venture. Slowly but surely the domain was acquired right under our nose and we the WRITERS COMMUNITY found a place to park our thoughts under various topics and headings.
We all became SPARKIANS!
Time went by and one fine day Sahana deduced to have her first Meet n Greet in Mumbai. Unfortunately, I was traveling (which seems to be a rule rather than an exception these days for me). So the next time she had her Meet I drove down from Surat and made it to the event. It was the first time we met.
Next day I did a Gehna Ka Kehna shoot with her for my Chat Show on Youtube. The rest, as they say, is history.
Sahana is a simple and sweet lady encouraging all people to write. I am honoured to be a part of your journey Sahana. Here’s to many more writing assignments together. Two years down the line I am happy to be penning this testimonial.
My best the SPARK and SPARKIANS.

Ms. Gehna Mehra

Ms. Raina Khatri Tandon
"Start Writing No matter what ...you can always Edit a Bad page. It's a transcript of a writer soul" I always believed. Writing has been my passion as a child and it's more about the free flow of thoughts which pour by resonating with every drop of rain every living being on this earth. But to bring it to reality and give it a beautiful shape was what Spark did on its platform. The simplicity, warmth, and lucidity of our Founder Sahana Sundar blessed with an abundance of proficient knowledge and expertise has no doubt placed her as an Ace in laying the platform. At no doubt, I would like to rave that Spark is a #Connect 2 various hearts thro the pen#. The real uniqueness is the quality and diversity of various writers and eminent personalities we have endeavored during our journey who fostered relationships through the bond of writing.
Being a POSH Compliance expert. And as Change evangelist. Many times writing is one source that has assisted me in enabling other lives and mine to create various breakthroughs and realizations. Sparkians have always been instrumental and supportive in giving genuine feedback @ my little musings and a platform that Has brought distinctive minds expressing emotions and evolved me as an eminent writer today.
I am grateful for having acquainted with Sparkians and Cap Sahana Sundar..i vouch for the platform and wish all luck to more budding writers... Join the journey..pen your ideas thoughts and prayers and bring more gleam and fire to raise the New You to peak potential.