By Aparna Bandyopadhyay
Contributory Author for Spark Igniting Minds
Spiralling down into the blue below,
I found a world where life throbbed.
Billion beings danced and swayed,
this break in journey had me awed!
I entered into human realm,
With Baby's glee and parents' joy,
As I walked and lived a life
Learnt my maker's plan and ploy!
The aves had soared, up above
The fishes delved into the deep,
The forest teeming with myriad lives
The unfolding drama had me peep!
Many suns and moons awoke,
New stars twinkled in the darkest womb;
I brought more life with Your consent,
Then You took me to my tomb!
My rest on earth came to an end,
My journey was commenced again.
In that endless void of yours,
Go I must, devoid of joy and pain!
(Featured Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay)
About the Author

Aparna has been a physics teacher in various Air Force Stations and Private schools in civilian areas, whenever stationed at a place. She has written articles and poems in Air Force magazines and regional publications.
She is now focusing on methods to make the environment green and safe. Her motto is to keep learning from young and old alike, there being no end date to learning.