By Keerthana Venkatesh
Contributing Author for Spark Igniting Minds
After a long and peaceful sleep
I awoke with the gentle breeze.
Washing my face with the dew
Awaiting fresh for a day anew!
In the cool breeze, with its gentle touch
I swayed to meet my friends who, very much
Waited just like me for dawn
To break, with a lazy yawn!
The birds have begun chirping now
And the little ones being woken up.
Its time for the dew to say goodbye
With the mighty sun coming by!
My friends- the insects and butterflies
Whiz past wishing us “Hi!”
Oh! How I wish I could fly-
Fly to heights and touch the sky!
Mr. Bumble, hovering around me
Asked, “What’s the matter, li’l dee dee?”
“Oh! Nothing much,” was my reply,
“Only wished I could fly.
But don’t you worry Mr. Bee
For here it’s jocund company.
I have visitors all the time
Which really is very fine!”
“So there you are,” said Mrs. Bee
“And how do you do, li’l dee dee?”
Asked pretty Mrs. Bee
As she flew over from her tree!
“I have a request li’l dee dee.
I need to make a little honey
For my son who’s in Turkey.
Some nectar could you lend me?”
“Oh! Sure I will Mrs. Bee.
Anything for Baby Bee.
After all he saved me from that lad
Who tried to destroy me real bad!”
Time flew by and it was noon.
The warm breeze was soothing too.
Dear leaf sent me my lunch
Which I ate amongst fun!
It was evening
And the birds were receding
To their cosy nests
Impatient for rest!
Goodbye to us the sun waved
With a display of violet, orange and red.
We all waved gently and smiled
And watched him sink to his right!
With the cool breeze cradling me
All I can do is fall asleep
Thanking God from my heart
For this wonderful day he brought!
(Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)
About the Author

Keerthana Venkatesh is a passionate writer with a penchant for positivism via thoughts, actions and alternative therapies.
She has worked on the editorial of some of India’s biggest media houses and as content management and marketing head in various corporates.
An avid traveler and a doting mother, she finds inspiration and the energy of positivism through places, people and her daughter which she showcases in her blog titled "This Short Story"!