By Nitusmita Saikia
Contributing Author for Spark Igniting Minds
Times are not going good; comrade...!,
Nobody is trustworthy ,
Robbery at every moment,
inner most emotional
To the brutal murder in flesh and blood.
You know comrade,
Society is nothing
but has remained just a word now,
Tomorrow; I tell you,
The word will become a myth.
Drama of communalism,
With no social morality,
Very funny creatures are these human,
Isn't it the beast best of all,
For such abstract art of treachery...???
Human heart is in evolution,
I heard again
Did you hear that;
No blood no flesh anymore,
a vessel of unknown metal
Against the will of brain,
No feeling for it,
No crying ; nothing it can do
For the welfare of fellow human beings.
Times are running bad,
Extinction is on the way,
I fear...!
(Featured Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay)
About the Author
Nitusmita Saika is by profession an instructor in National Cadet Corps, She writes both in English and Assamese. She has been writing poetry for e-magazines like FM online magazine for couple of years.
Her poems have been published in various anthologies under and much more.