By Keerthana Venkatesh
Contributing Author for Spark Igniting Minds
Letting go – It’s not been too hard for me. Over the years I’ve learned to let go of a lot of things – relationships that were not meant to be, people with whom I did not share chemistry, objects that began to assume the form of meaningless, desires that started to morph into parasites.
If you’re thinking it’s a result of some spiritual attainment, you’re wrong. When something unfavorable comes my way, I’ve always learned to let go. Maybe because I don’t want to be hurt; maybe because letting go creates a shield and helps me protect myself.
But then there are certain things that the mind cheats itself of letting go. Sitting in a faraway land with barely a few people that I know, letting go of the people, the house which became a home, family, friends – it’s no easy task. I know I can always reach out to whatever I need from back there whenever I want. It’s a matter of a few more tens of thousands of kilometers, but certainly not unreachable. Yet this letting go doesn’t seem to mean the same as the others that are more connected with protecting the self.
As I sit down to pen this piece, I begin to realize that letting go plays such an integral role in helping the mind stay positive. In the words of energy therapists, letting go is more about cutting off the energy that one passes on to an unpleasant memory. The memory never dies, but pretty much moves into the back of the shelf where you rarely ever reach out. And one fine day when that memory shows up, it’s probably gone so old that the stench of the unpleasant feeling barely lingers – at the most it may be as painful as a pinprick.
Maybe that’s why letting go of happy memories never works because there’s always hope lingering. And that’s the driving force.
About Keerthana Venkatesh

Keerthana Venkatesh is a passionate writer with a penchant for positivism via thoughts, actions and alternative therapies.
She has worked on the editorial of some of India’s biggest media houses and as content management and marketing head in various corporates.
An avid traveler and a doting mother, she finds inspiration and the energy of positivism through places, people and her daughter which she showcases in her blog titled "This Short Story"!!!
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