By Sparkian Meenakshi Raina
Contributing Author for Spark Igniting Minds
It is a human tendency to blame others for one’s own suffering. But if our sufferings are caused by someone else then the same should be applicable for our pleasure. But we human beings are very smart, we want to enjoy the credit of our achievements and happiness at our own but point finger on others and stand them responsible for our pain and miseries. Well, this seems quite justified till the time we are in deep ignorance.
We must understand that by playing this blame game there is a war-like situation going on in our mind. Our mind remains occupied with anger, restlessness, revenge, jealousy, hatred, frustration and aversion throughout day & night. Even we cannot sleep at night because of these negative emotions.
In such a traumatic situation a person wants nothing but peace of mind.
Unfortunately, most of the people in such a chaotic and adverse situation indulge themselves in different bad addictions and amusements thinking that it will bring peace and happiness in their lives. But remember such intoxications will only put your health at risk and create havoc in your lives but in no case, would bring peace and happiness in your lives. So never ever go with this easy yet expensive options. However, people around us and our loved ones try their best to make us feel comfortable with their sympathetic conversations.
But here we need to think that
Do we really look for people’s sympathy?
Do we really feel relaxed and peaceful by focusing on these negative emotions?
Is it okay to blame others?
We never checked all these things instead of wasted half of our life in blaming others. Well, now we must wake up and take up the charge of everything that has happened in our life.
First of all, stop discussing your problems rather than focus on resolutions.
Second, be in touch with positive people.
Third, read or watch spiritual and inspirational videos on a regular basis. Ignore negative people. Once in a while, read or watch श्रीमद्भ गवतगीता. Also, watch “Karma Philosophy” by BK Sister Shivani on YouTube. This will help you to understand that whatever happens in our lives is a return or consequence of our previous birth deeds.
Engage yourself in doing something creative. When there is nothing to do just listen to music or sing your favorite songs or do something which makes you happy. Be optimistic and have faith in Almighty.
To change your life dramatically, you need to say the following affirmations to yourself, often-
whatever has happened has happened for my betterment.
it happened because of my previous birth Karmas.
now is the time to reverse all my negative Karmas.
I release all my negative emotions and replace them with positive thoughts.
I have been given a chance by Infinite Spirit to get liberation from sufferings and miseries. Say that I am a Divine and Powerful Soul.
there is the Divine Power around me all the time to keep me safe and protected in the Universe.
Last but not least start doing Meditation regularly once or twice or at your convenience.
Let me tell you one thing that by following these positive affirmations and by doing meditation with a proper schedule and by watching or reading positive and spiritual stuff daily; you will not only feel relaxed, peaceful but will also feel happy and contented from within your consciousness, for which you were craving for from so many years.
One more thing, which I am going to share here is that this entire process is the gateway to get the ultimate liberation.
Blaming is as easy as playing with toys but taking charge of one’s deed needs guts. It needs a strong person to say sorry after he or she has done something wrong but it needs an even stronger and determined person, who can forgive without getting an apology from someone who has given pain and hurt.
Believe me, if you indulge yourself in Positivity, Spirituality & Meditation, your life will be full of peace and happiness and for sure you would be able to forgive and be compassionate with those whom you think have given you pain and misery.
Happiness is not something which we get from somewhere or from someone or from something. It is within all of us. All we need to do is just change our thinking pattern. It is rightly said (जैसी दृष्टि वैसी सृष्टि) as is our vision, so will be our world. Once our thinking pattern changes, our life changes.
Don’t be a beggar of love, peace, and happiness rather work on yourself and create it within your consciousness and spread the same vibrations where ever you go.
Pain and misery is a wake-up call from the Divinity to create a miracle in your life. So believe in yourself and change your Destiny.
About Meenakshi Raina
Meenakshi is a Financial and Administrative Professional, Passionate Writer, Blogger, Co-Author, Reviewer, and Spiritual Practitioner.
She writes on the different genres to bring a change in society.
For more information, visit Meenakshi Raina on her facebook page @